Starting this blog is a newbegining of life after a long pause. Yes pause, not because I lost hope in life, or there was something bad happend in my life. But I took it as pause, as I was not doing what I really love (writing I mean).
After working years for others in the name of ambition and achievments, I realised that, no matter how much you work or achieve, you will never feel at peace until you find the real purpose of your life.
If anyhting you are doing is not make you feel at peace, then you have a different purpose in life.
If you are doing your best but not getting the desired outcome, you are not aligned with your true purpose.
If the period of stagnation is just not leaving, no matter how hard you try and how many battle you succeed, that means Universe have made you for a different life then what you decide you should be doing.
The moment I realise this, I strated my journey as a writer, to explore and venture this dimension of my life. My intenton to write is to express myself in the purest way possible.
Writing make me feel empowered, when I write I feel I have all the power of universe inside me, as I can imagine, create, help, share information, guide, inspire, make someone happy through my content.
My intention is to be happy and spread happiness wherever I go.
Thanks for joining me!
Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton