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“The heart is an artist that paints over what profoundly disturbs it, leaving on the canvas a less dark, less sharp version of the truth.” Dean Koontz, Forever Odd

Think deep but live light, Life is as simple as we make it

Who We Are

This blog is created to bring a contemporary angle to the existing contents. A new prospective to help people intake the complicated topics. Love to explore and write about new and interesting topics.

We would like to know if it make any impact on people’s life. 

What We Want

Be the change or Bring the change

Let’s Bring It Together- This Website is a culmination of Age old philosophy with modern prospective. India is full of rich history, Charismatic mythology. The concept of adapting the age old stories with a contemporary writing.

This is an attempt to the new generation to learn the lessons from the age old stories.

We are here to help people find their own solace, instead of searching your happiness outside of you, start exploring what is inside you.

You will find the path to Abundance…..

Real Emotions- Real Connections-Real Solutions