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critical thinking skills

From Classroom to Career: 5 Ways How Critical Thinking Skills Impact Professional Success

Reading Time: 5 minutes What is Critical Thinking- Critical thinking is one’s ability to analyze information, make rational judgments, and solve problems effectively. All these skills are not only important for everyday living but also important for a person to grow in a competitive professional environment as well. In today’s competitive job market and Read more…

social isolation and loneliness in young adults

6 Empowering Ways to Combat Social Isolation and Loneliness in Young Adults on Valentine’s Day and Beyond

Reading Time: 6 minutes Social Isolation and Loneliness in Young Adults- Imagine feeling surrounded by people, “yet somehow utterly alone”. That’s what many young adults are facing today- They are Feeling disconnected, unseen, unheard. It’s not about having zero friends, but a deeper ache – a lack of true connection, of belonging. It’s the Read more…

role of metaverse in mental health

Role of Metaverse in Mental Health: 4 Ultimate Benefits of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Healthcare

Reading Time: 7 minutes As anxiety and depression rates surge globally, there’s a growing need for innovative solutions. Metaverse stands as a new frontier a space where virtual and real-life experiences intertwine. Enter Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), not just as entertainment but as potential game-changers in mental health treatment.